Mon 04 December 2023
We provide details about CVE-2023-49103 and CVE-2023-49105
Tue 31 January 2023
Ambionics Security team discovered a pre-authentication remote code execution in vBulletin 5.6.9.
Wed 12 January 2022
We identified a vulnerability in SPIP's SQL engine, which allowed us to access the backoffice of the hacking platform Root-Me.
Thu 21 October 2021
This article reveals a privilege escalation vulnerability affecting PHP-FPM.
Tue 12 January 2021
Ambionics Security team discovered an RCE in Laravel, when the framework is in debug mode.
Thu 19 November 2020
Ambionics Security team discovered a heap overflow that results in remote code execution on Sqreen's microagent.
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